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The Digital Age

The relolutionary camera phone was introduced and changed the way the take pictures. The first DSLR to shoot HD video came out.

Kodak stops the production of film cameras, this signifies a consumer jump from film to digital. 

The Production of Agfa brand consumer films ends, and Adobe releases Lightroom.

Polaroid announces the discontinuing of all instant film products they produce, citing the rise of digital imaging technology.

The first DSLM (mirrorless) camera came out.


Kodak stops the production of Kodachrome film, this is a significant milestone in the global transition to digital photography.


Adobe released Photoshop Cs5.

The last Kodaachrome processing shop stops.

The Pentax release the 645z 51Mpx CMOS Medium Format camera. Panasonic Lumix GH4, the first still photography camera with 4k video



Photography is an ever growing industry with a lot of promise, who knows what the future may hold in this ever growing industry.

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