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Richard Avedon

Richard Avedon helped define America’s image of style, beauty and culture by working as a photographer for Vouge.

Avedon pushed the boundaries of fashion photography with surreal and often controversial pictures which contained violence, nudity and death.























Avedon had his own personal projects which consisted of taking illuminating portraits of leading cultural and political figures.


Avedons work was the driving force behind photography's emergence as a legitimate art form. His photographs of his terminally ill father were featured at the Museum of Modern Art.

Robert Avedon

One of Avedon's most famous images is one with Dovima posing with circus elephants while wearing an elegant gown.

Avedon became the first staff photographer at The New Yorker but sady passed away while on assignment for The New Yorker in San Antonio, Texas. He was 81 years old.

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